Posted On: Mon 28-Nov 2016
By: Tina Walker
Thesis help requested!

My name is Merel Jansen. I'm a Dutch/Italian student working on my Bachelor thesis. I'm writing you with the following question.

For my thesis I'm writing a digital marketing plan for a French mountain hotel on how to reach English cyclists on the digital landscape. In order to do so, I need to gain insight into the English cycling persona with regards to their online behaviour.

Therefore, I'm looking for multiple ways on how I can find English cyclists who would be willing to participate in my survey. It does not take more than 6 minutes and the data will all be anonymous of course.

Would you as a club be willing to ask a few cyclists whether they are open to participate in my survey?

This is the link to the survey:


If there are any questions, I'm happy to answer!

Kind regards,

Merel Jansen
Posted On: Mon 21-Nov 2016
By: Tina Walker
Christmas Dinner 2016

This years Christmas Lunch and Blazing Saddles presentation will be held on Sunday 11th of December. The event will be held at The George IV in Baldock the same as last year.

Those joining us for food and celebrations have a choice of driving to the venue or taking our special led ride from Stevenage Old Town at 10:30am. Aim to arrive before 12:00 in time for a 12:30 start.

Jackie requires all outstanding payments and menu choices before the end of November so if you've not paid in full yet or would like to come then please get in touch with Jackie using the details in the poster below.

Christmas Dinner 2016 Information and Menu

Posted On: Mon 21-Nov 2016
By: Tina Walker
Help us with info on cycleways after dark

This message is from Jim Brown:

Following a lot of messages and a bit of nagging Terry Douris, the County Councillor responsible for highways, has agreed to a meeting. I do not know yet what day or time of day this might be but it would be extremely useful if a couple of other local cyclists could also attend. He is not from Stevenage and to me it would seem most effective to have this meeting on the cycleways in the dark but even if that�s not practical I am seeking feedback on the worst sections.

So far some seem to be:

Grace Way particularly where the cycle way bends away from the road.

On Broadhall Way near the football club particularly when the various FC lights are off.

Fairlands Way between Lonsdale Road and Webb Rise.

Lower part of Martins Way.

Southern end of Gresley Way (between Ridlins and the A602).

Between the trees alongside the A602 south of the junction with Broadwater Crescent.

Sections where the cycle way is lower than the road (e.g. headlights in cyclists faces on Fairlands Way between the petrol station and Popple Way).

Please could you tell me:

Particularly where any injuries and other mishaps have taken place.

Other sections which are very dark.

Sections with significant surface hazards for those on bikes or on foot.

Any impacts on our programme or on journeys to work, college, school, for leisure, for training.

Any general comments or possible solutions. You may have seen that I have already suggested some more fill in lights.

Please contact me soon to say:

If I have described any of the problem sections incorrectly.

If there are any other sections of cycleway you think should be added to the list and why.

Posted On: Wed 09-Nov 2016
By: Tina Walker
Our AGM on Monday 14th November

All CTC (Cycling UK) members are welcome to attend. Come along and help to support our group.

Monday 14th November 7:30pm at the High Street Methodist Church Hall (Sish La, Stevenage SG1 3LS)

Agenda: 2015 AGM Minutes

Previous Minutes: 2016 AGM Agenda
Posted On: Mon 31-Oct 2016
By: Penny Schenkel
Emitremmus Pictures for all to see

A foggy day saw 238 riders head off into the countryside on various bikes and trikes. Thanks to all the helpers and participants.
Here are a selection of pictures taken by Zander and Jim Emit pictures